In charged particle spectrometers relying upon the dispersive power of some kind of imaging system one generally has to compromise between the desire of high resolution and the desire of high intensity at the detector. Starting from a source of given absolute and specific strength, and a given level of resolution, any factor of improvement in resolution can in principle be realized if the accompanying decrease in intensity is accepted. The aim of the present work has been to realize the sufficient experimental conditions for proceeding about an order of magnitude in resolution in the well-known double focusing π√2 β-spectrometer without this normally occurring reduction of intensity. To achieve this with a given absolute source strength requires that the aperture solid angle is at least not reduced when going to the higher resolution. With also the total weight of source material given, the smaller maximum source thickness allowed at the higher resolution requires—in the general case — a possibility of distributing the source material over a larger source area when going to higher resolution. Taken together, the above requirements make it necessary to improve the luminosity, i.e., the product of source area and aperture solid angle, by between two and three orders of magnitude at the higher resolution. In the present case this has been achieved by adding to the magnetic π√2 spectrometer two electrostatic devices. One of these, the corrector, reduces the point source aberrations while keeping the aperture solid angle constant and the other device, a special source arrangement, allows a large source to be used in conjunction with high resolution. This latter possibility is realized by using a non-equipotential source surface. In this way electrons, which are originally monoenergetic, obtain energy changes which depend on the position of their starting point. The potential distribution on the source surface is chosen in such a way that the resulting variation of electron momentum, by means of the dispersion of the magnetic field, compensates for the variation in starting point in such a way that an extended source is imaged as a narrow line in the detector plane. By the combined action of the corrector and the new source arrangement an increase in luminosity by a factor of 120 over that of the normal double focusing spectrometer has been experimentally achieved, with even larger improvement within reach. In the case of external conversion measurements the above methods are also applicable but, however, are not always sufficient to meet the basic aim of fully retaining the intensity when improving the resolution. However, the large source area permitted by the above methods allows a special method to be used for the reduction of the Compton electron background often disturbing external conversion measurements. For weak photolines on an intense Compton background a reduction of this background can compensate for a possible residual reduction in photoline intensity which may accompany an improvement in resolution. The reduction of the Compton background relies upon a geometrical separation of the image of the converter (i.e., the photo electron source) and the image of the γ-ray source with absorber (the main contributor to the Compton background). The possible background reduction factor increases with resolution and the method is hence especially suited to the present high-luminosity, high-resolution methods.
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