W ITH the development of piezoceramic sensors and actuators of varying shapes and sizes for use in structural applications, the field of smart structures has emerged as an area of research of great importance [1]. The mechanical, thermal, and electrical behavior of piezoceramics has been studied extensively by physicists and material scientists [2–9]. The introduction of these materials in structural applications has created a necessity to review the traditional structural modeling and analysis. Under cyclic variation of the applied electric field, piezomaterials exhibit polarization-electric (P-E) field hysteretic losses, as shown in Fig. 1. The points indicated by the symbols Ps, Pr, and EC represent saturation polarization, remnant polarization, and the coercive electric field, respectively. The saturation polarization Ps corresponds to the value of maximum polarization, which shows negligible change with further increase in electric field. Remnant polarization Pr is the value of polarization when the electric field becomes zero. Coercive electric fieldEC corresponds to the points of zero polarization. The observed phenomenon is due to the delay in polarization switching with variation in electric field. P-E hysteresis effect leads to an interesting variation of strainwith respect to electric field ( E), and it is denoted as butterfly loop. The hysteresiswill be affected by various parameters such as temperature, amplitude of oscillating electric field, frequency of oscillation, and external mechanical preloading. The effect of the amplitude of the electric field on the hysteresis loop has been studied experimentally by Nalwa [2]. It is observed that the remnant polarization and coercive electric field are functions of amplitude of the electric field. With a decrease in amplitude of the electric field, there is a reduction in the values of maximum polarization, remnant polarization, and coercive electric field. Viehland and Chen [3] experimentally studied the effects of frequency of oscillation of the electric field on the hysteresis loop. From the experiments, it was observed that if the amplitude of the electric field is above the coercive electric field ECmax corresponding to the case with saturation polarization, then the dissipation energy increases with an increase in frequency, whereas if the amplitude of the electric field is belowECmax, then the dissipation energy increases with a decrease in frequency. The effect of mechanical preloading on hysteresis has been studied experimentally by Arndt et al. [4]. It is observed that when a compressive mechanical preloading is applied parallel to the electric field, the reduction in polarization is found to be higher than that corresponding to the case with mechanical loading applied perpendicular to the electrical field. With the application of compressive mechanical preloading, the remnant polarization and coercive field show a reduction in magnitude. Mathematical modeling of hysteresis was approached at two different levels: 1) at the microscopic level and 2) at the macroscopic level of the piezomaterial. The microscopic models of hysteresis can be categorized as 1) polarization switching based on the Eshelby inclusion model [10], 2) crystal-plasticity-based nonlinear switching models [11], 3) free-energy-based domain-switching model [12], and 4) dipole–dipole interaction models with threshold-switching energy given by the time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau model [13,14] or the Landau–Devonshire model [15,16]. Macroscopic models can be categorized as either empirical models or thermodynamically consistent models. Empirical models are based on either introducing an additional variable in the constitutive relations [17], by representing the P-E curve by a tanhyperbolic function [18], or by using the Presaich model [19,20]. Bassiouny et al. [21–24] developed a thermodynamic phenomenological model for capturing the electromechanical hysteresis effects based on the work-hardening plasticity model. A similar approach was followed by McMeeking and Landis [25] in modeling domain switching in ferroelectric materials. A model based on extended irreversible thermodynamics was proposed by Lu and Hanagud [26]. Presented as Paper 1743 at the 15-th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Honolulu, HI, 23–26 April 2007; received 1 May 2007; accepted for publication 25 August 2007. Copyright © 2007 by V. L. Sateesh, C. S. Upadhyay, and C. Venkatesan. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copies of this paper may be made for personal or internal use, on condition that the copier pay the $10.00 per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; include the code 0001-1452/08 $10.00 in correspondence with the CCC. ∗Graduate Student, Department of Aerospace Engineering. Student Member AIAA. Associate Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering. Pandit Ramachandra Dwivedi Chair Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering. Senior Member AIAA. AIAA JOURNAL Vol. 46, No. 1, January 2008
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