The purpose was to investigate the effect of mycorrhizal formulation Mycofriend on biometric parameters, productivity and biochemical composition of potatoes, as well as to determine the economic effect of its use. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. The study was conducted at the Institute of Vegetable and Melons Growing of NAAS. Results. The results on the effect of different doses of mycorrhizal formulation Mycofriend (complex of mycorrhizal fungi: Glomus VS, Trichoderma harzianum; microorganisms supporting the formation of mycorrhiza and rhizosphere of plants: Streptomyces sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens; phosphate-mobilizing bacteria: Bacillius megaterium var. phosphaticum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus muciloginosus, Enterobacter sp) on biometric parameters, yield and its constituents and biochemical composition of tubers are presented. Mycofriend clearly tend to increase the potato yield. On average, it was higher than the control (33.6 t/ha) by 4.6 t/ha and 4.4 t/ha at Mycofriend concentrations of 1.0 L/t and 2.0 L/t, respectively. Mycofriend also increased biometric parameters in comparison with the control (without treatment). In particular, the plant height after treatment of tubers with 1.0 L/t and 2.0 L/t increased by 0.19 m and 0.26 m, respectively; at the same time, the plant weight was also increased by 278 g and 590 g, respectively. There were upward trends in the contents of starch (by 1.29–3.03%) and ascorbic acid (by 4.08–5.94 mg/100 g) in tubers. Additional costs in the experiments ranged UAH 5935 to UAH 18,67 1/ha. However, a reduction in the prime costs by 0.17–0.33 UAH/kg was achieved, leading to a corresponding increase in the profitability of cultivation by 8.8–12.8 %. The most economically justified dose of the formulation was 1.0 L/t. Conclusions. It is possible to treat potato tubers with mycorrhizal formulation Mycofriend at a dose of 1.0 L/t and 2.0 L/t during pre-planting preparation, which significantly improves biometric parameters (plant height and vegetative weight). The highest gain in the yield was noted with 1.0 L/ha of Mycofriend – 4.6 t/ha. Here, the most significant decrease in the prime costs and increase in the profitability were observed.
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