A free electron laser code, GFEL, is being developed for application to the LLNL Microwave Tokamak Experiments, MTX. This single frequency code solves for the slowly varying complex field amplitude using the usual wiggler-averaged equations of existing codes, in particular FRED [1], except that it describes the fields by a 2D expansion in the rectangular waveguide modes, using coupling coefficients similar to those developed by Wurtele [2], which include effects of spatial variations in the fields seen by the wiggler motion of the particles. Our coefficients differ from those of Wurtele in two respects. First, we have found a missing √2 γaw factor in his Cz; when corrected this increases the effect of the Ez field component and this in turn reduces the amplitude of the TM mode. Second, we have consistently retained all terms of significant order in the wiggle amplitude. Both corrections are necessary for accurate computation. GFEL has the capability of following the TEmn and TMmn modes simultaneously. GFEL produces results nearly identical to those from FRED if the coupling coefficients are adjusted to equal those implied by the algorithm in FRED. Normally, the two codes produce results that are similar but different in detail due to the different treatment of modes higher than TE01.