Introduction: INCA (French National Institute of Cancer) recommends skin cancer screening for any adult exposed to potential risk factors, without age-limit. Health professionals identified for screening are not only doctors, but also nurses, and physiotherapists. There is no national registry for skin cancer incidence. Hospital activity reports 70,000 new diagnoses of skin cancer each year (the most frequent cancer in fact). Half of patients hospitalized with principal diagnosis “skin cancer” are 75 years and older. Skin cancer with early diagnosis can often be cured, 70% are basal cell carcinomas, 20% squamous cell carcinoma, and 10% are melanomas (incidence has tripled between 1980 and 2005, due to sun exposure practices). Factors of delayed diagnostic have been identified by the INCA: elderly widows, inequality in access to dermatologist consultation in France. In addition, general practitioners, that follow high-risk populations such as older people, who cannot practice self-examination, recognize that there is a lack of training and not enough time to make a complete skin examination during themedical consultation (including scalp, external genital organs and feet). Objectives: Develop a continuing professional training (in French Developpement Professionnel Continu) for nurses, general practitioners and geriatricians, following elderly patients, living in community dwelling and nursing home. Methods: In Normandy, the program was suggested by mail in 2014 February, via private general practitioners' regional union, nurse coordinators and geriatricians in nursing homes. The first self-assessment was performed between March and May, one day, by a retrospective and randomized study of 20 patients medical journal among 75 years and older nursing home's residents, followed since at least one year. Patients receiving palliative care and dementia with severe behavioral troubles were excluded. There were 2 different questionnaires for nurses or doctors with filling guide for each. Use of data by sorting flat. Classroom training about skin cancer in elderly was organized with dermatologists in May 23. Feedback experience on skin cancer screening was organized in June 19, with elaboration of corrective action plan. The second self-assessment is planned at the end of 2014. Results: 8 geriatricians and only 1 nurse from different institutions performed the first self-assessment. For the nurse, there were negative answers for the 5 criteria in all patients. Concerning geriatricians, a complete skin examination has already been recorded for 27,5% of patients (but since more than one year for 80%). Skin cancer risk factors are never collected. None liberal general practitioners participated. Conclusion: We had expected more participants for this innovating continuing training program, involving both institution health professionals and private practitioners concerned by cancer screening in their patients. 2014 is the beginning of binding « Developpement Professionnel Continu » for private practitioners, and self-assessment method is still not well known. Further training program is planned in the next years, for health professionals, with better communication strategies. This first self-assessment revealed a lack of skin cancer examination in older patients, and of skin cancer risk factor collection, and also in dermatological monitoring. We hope our classroom training will improve the second selfassessment results. Reference: espace-professionnels-de-sante. Disclosure of interest: None declared.