Precision medical education (PME) represents a transformative approach in medical education, systematizing individualized and efficient learner competency development for enhanced patient care. While implementing PME has been described conceptually using the P4 medical education framework (proactive, personalized, participatory, predictive), many programs and institutions face implementation questions on navigating data integration complexities, resource constraints, cultural risk aversion to innovation, and more.To address such challenges, the authors of this Commentary propose 5 concrete, concurrent strategies for institutions and training programs to implement PME successfully. Of these strategies, 4 are aligned with the P4 framework. Strategy 1: Curate educational data, adhering to 8 foundational data principles (relevant, trusted, consistent, timely, accessible, connected, interactive, actionable), and integrate it into an education data warehouse to create a comprehensive learner profile. Strategy 2: Build institutional analytic capabilities, including leveraging existing resources and tools, such as artificial intelligence, to turn data into actionable insights. Strategy 3: Establish transparent, accountable governance structures with broad stakeholder engagement, emphasizing principled co-production of PME by learners, faculty, and educational leaders. Strategy 4: Continuously collect and evaluate outcomes tied to PME interventions, building validity evidence through predictive linkages. Strategy 5: Lead change to drive PME forward. This strategy cuts across all 4 other strategies to promote the effective adoption of systems and processes that drive PME into institutional culture.When successfully operationalized, PME enables precise, evidence-informed decision-making about and by learners, while benefiting faculty, coaches, and educational leaders. Through these strategies, programs and institutions can overcome implementation pitfalls and harness the full potential of PME to improve educational and patient care outcomes.
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