The study was conducted in Kambata tambaro Zone, centeral Ethiopia Region; with the general objective of assessing the livestock forage balance using cross-sectional study design from November 2018 to May 2019. For this study Three districts, namely Doyogana, Tambaro and Hadaro tunto were purposively selected from the study area. A total of six kebeles and 361 respondents were selected by random sampling technique from the study districts. Semi-structured questioners, focusedgroup discussion, key informant interview and personal observation were used for data collection. The data were analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS, version 23). Analysis of variance with Tukey test was used for mean comparison of the quantitative variables while chi-square test was employed for significance level of qualitative variables. Accordingly, the overall average landholding per respondent in Kambata tambaro was 1.79ha while the holding in the Hadaro, Tambaro and Doyogana found to be 1.86, 1.67, 1.80ha, respectively. The average livestock holding of a household in the Hadaro, Tambaro and Doyogana was 3.90, 4.06 and 4.56 TLU, respectively, with an overall average of 4.13 TLU. Households in the Doyoganadistricts possessed significantly larger (P<0.05) number of TLU than the households in the other two distircts while no significant difference (P>0.05) was reported amongdistricts in landholding size. The available feed sources ranked by the respondents in decreasing order includs straw, grazing land, hay, green fodder, maize and sorghum stover, bush and forest and concentrate. The overall average utilizable feed DM supply in the study area was estimated to be 4.74 ton with significantly higher (P<0.001) DM supply in the Hadaro (5.75 tons) than in the Tambaro (4.02 tons) and Doyogana (4.34 tons per respondent) areas. However, for year round feeding, the average DM demand of livestock in the Hadaro, Tambaro and Doyogana was 8.89, 9.26 and 10.41 tons per respondent, ..
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