Wilson, James F. (Hartnell Coll., Salinas, Calif.) Transplantation of nuclei in Neurospora crassa. Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(8): 780–786. Illus. 1963.—Heterocaryons of N. crassa were produced artificially by cell-to-cell transfer of protoplasm of genetically marked strains. The injected hyphal sections were excised and cultured separately. The criteria of prototrophic growth and recovery of conidia of the donor genotype were used to prove that functional nuclei had been transplanted. Reciprocal injections were made with 2 pairs of macroconidial and 3 pairs of microconidial strains. Growth curves and conidial ratios of these artificial heterocaryons were compared to the corresponding natural heterocaryons. In each pair of heterocaryons produced by reciprocal injection, the growth curve of only one was equivalent to the naturally formed heterocaryon of that pair. The growth curve of the other artificial heterocaryon differed either in rate or in the lag period before growth occurred. There was no apparent relation between conidial ratios of the natural heterocaryons and the artificial heterocaryons with comparable growth curves. Injection of normal nuclei into a morphological temperature-sensitive mutant produced an apparent heterocaryon which grew with normal morphology at 34 C. The apparent stability of Neurospora nuclei may make in vitro studies possible.
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