PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI) is one of PT Kereta Api (KA) Indonesia managing Greater Jakarta Commuter Trains. PT KCI started to provide special carriages for females during peak hours in 2011. Up to December 2019, PT KCI has 1,100 units of electrical carriages. In 2019, the average daily passengers were 979.853 on weekdays with maximum daily passengers of 1,154,080. PT MRT Jakarta started to provide special carriages for females during peak hours in May 2019, about 2 months after its opening of phase 1a from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI. By operating 16 transit units the average daily passengers are 83,000 with maximum daily passengers 93,000. The availability of special carriages for females was intended to protect female passengers from criminal acts and sexual harassment. However according to previous research an media coverage, the special carriages were not consistently provide a positive impact to female passengers. This research is intended to evaluate this issue and provide recommendations regarding this service.