Traditional research in acculturation and adjustment has mostly been done from a sojourner's or immigrant's perspective. The current research, however, centers on the recipient nationals’ attitudes toward immigrants and multiculturalism. Three distinctive frameworks to examine host nationals’ perceptions are proposed based on (1) intergroup relations, (2) individual level differences, and (3) cultural level differences. Five studies were conducted in line with the three frameworks using attitudes toward immigrants as the common dependent measure. Based on the intergroup framework, Studies 1 and 2 examined the influence of intergroup contact, national pride, perceived permeability, fairness, intergroup threat, and host community acculturation strategies. Results showed that decreased contact and increased threat predicted less favorable perception toward immigrants (Study 1); respondents who espoused a need for immigrant assimilation and exclusionism, and those who espoused a less individualistic perception toward migration expressed more negative immigrant attitudes (Study 2). In the second framework on individual differences, the influence of personal enduring dispositions on immigrant attitudes was examined. The independent variables included social dominance orientation, self-esteem, individualism-collectivism, national pride, and Schwartz's personal values. Low self-esteem and individualism, and high social dominance predicted less favorable attitudes toward immigrants. Furthermore, high social dominance predicted less favorable perceptions but only among host nationals who also rated high on individualism (Study 3). Regarding personal values orientation, respondents who placed greater emphasis on security and achievement motivation expressed more negative attitudes, but endorsement of the stimulation value type predicted more favorable perceptions (Study 4). In the third and final framework, effects of cultural differences on immigrant attitudes were examined (Study 5). Secondary data from the Eurobarometer [Eurobarometer, 2000. Attitudes towards minority groups in the European Union: A special analysis of the Eurobarometer 2000 opinion poll on behalf of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. Eurobarometer Opinion Poll. Retrieved September 1, 2003 from] and Hofstede's cultural typologies were used. Masculinity was associated with reduced multicultural optimism and support for policies that promote social co-existence; uncertainty avoidance, collectivism, and power distance were related to weaker support for multicultural policies. Overall, two broad dimensions of acculturation experience emerged from the research, the first one is based on an ‘invasion’ perspective and the second one reflects an ‘enrichment’ experience.
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