ABSTRACTNowadays, vehicular ad‐hoc networks (VANETs) offer increased convenience to drivers and enable intelligent traffic management. However, the public wireless transmission channel in VANETs brings challenges related to security vulnerabilities and privacy leakage, in addition, vehicles produced by different manufacturers may use different cryptosystems such as certificateless cryptosystems (CLCs) and identity‐based cryptosystems (IBC). To address privacy leakage during cross‐cryptosystem communication in VANETs, we propose a lattice‐based heterogeneous signcryption scheme named LHS‐C2I. The scheme facilitates secure multi‐cryptosystem bidirectional communication as CLC‐based vehicles to IBC‐based vehicles and IBC‐based vehicles to CLC‐based vehicles. The confidentiality and authenticity of LHS‐C2I help to prevent the users from privacy leakage during cross‐cryptosystem communication and to authenticate the message integrity and the sender's identity legitimacy. The proposed scheme is proven to achieve Indistinguishability under Chosen Ciphertext Attack (IND‐CCA2) and Existential Unforgeability against Adaptive Chosen Messages Attack (EUF‐CMA) within the random oracle model. Performance analysis demonstrates that LHS‐C2I outperforms existing schemes in terms of computational overhead, communication overhead, and overall security features. It is particularly well‐suited for scenarios requiring secure communication across different cryptosystems in VANETs.
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