To retrospectively examine the imaging characteristics of chest-computed tomography (CT) following percutaneous microwave ablation (MWA) of the ground-glass nodule (GGN)-like lung cancer and its dynamic evolution over time. From June 2020 to May 2021, 147 patients with 152 GGNs (51 pure GGNs and 101 mixed GGNs, mean size 15.0 ± 6.3 mm) were enrolled in this study. One hundred and forty-seven patients underwent MWA procedures. The imaging characteristics were evaluated at predetermined time intervals: immediately after the procedure, 24-48 h, 1, 3, 6, 12, and ≥18 months (47 GGNs). This study population included 147 patients with 152 GGNs, as indicated by the results: 43.5% (66/152) adenocarcinoma in situ, 41.4% (63/152) minimally invasive adenocarcinoma, and 15.1% (23/152) invasive adenocarcinoma. Immediate post-procedure tumor-level analysis revealed that the most common CT features were ground-glass opacities (93.4%, 142/152), hyperdensity within the nodule (90.7%, 138/152), and fried egg sign or reversed halo sign (46.7%, 71/152). Subsequently, 24-48 h post-procedure, ground-glass attenuations, hyperdensity, and the fried egg sign remained the most frequent CT findings, with incidence rates of 75.0% (114/152), 71.0% (108/152), and 54.0% (82/152), respectively. Cavitation, pleural thickening, and consolidation were less frequent findings. At 1 month after the procedure, consolidation of the ablation region was the most common imaging feature. From 3 to 12 months after the procedure, the most common imaging characteristics were consolidation, involutional parenchymal bands and pleural thickening. At ≥18 months after the procedure, imaging features of the ablation zone revealed three changes: involuting fibrosis (80.8%, 38/47), consolidation nodules (12.8%, 6/47), and disappearance (6.4%, 3/47). This study outlined the anticipated CT imaging characteristics of GGN-like lung cancer following MWA. Diagnostic and interventional radiologists should be familiar with the expected imaging characteristics and dynamic evolution post-MWA in order to interpret imaging changes with a reference image.
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