The Vygozero Reservoir has the status of a reservoir of republican subordination, and fishing there is carried out mainly by fishermen of the Segezha region of the Republic of Karelia. The Vygozero Reservoir contributes 3-7% to the total volume of fish catch in Karelia and occupies 5–6 place in terms of catch among 12 fishing reservoirs of the Republic of Karelia. In this regard, the problem of monitoring the populations of valuable commercial fish species of the Vygozero Reservoir is urgent at the present stage. First of all, zander and whitefish are among species with TAC (total allowable catch) in the Vygozero Reservoir. There are given the results of works carried out within the framework of the state projects and economic contractual topics of the North Research Institute of Fishery under Petrozavodsk State University, Northern Water Problems Institute of the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences for assessing the stock and production of whitefish and zander in the Vygozero (Vygozero-Onda) Reservoir. Whitefish should be taken into the commercial operation from the age of 5+, and zander from the age of 7+ and older. The performed calculations of the stock size based on the data of 2005–2020 allow the TAC volume for whitefish today to be up to 3 tons, or 20.8% of the commercial stock amount (with the maximum norm of 23.4%), zander 18 tons, or 17.7% of the stock (norm = 18.6%). As a result of the calculations and studies, recommendations were made for the rational use of whitefish and zander in the Vygozero Reservoir at the present stage.