LuFe2O4 is a member of the RFe2O3 family (R: rare-earth metals) and has a hexagonal layered structure with the space group R 3m above 500K, where the lattice constants are a 1⁄4 0:344 and c 1⁄4 2:528 nm in the hexagonal system. It undergoes successive phase transitions below 500K owing to the charge ordering of Fe2þ and Fe3þ ions, which in the high-temperature phase randomly occupy equivalent Fe sites. It also shows a two-dimensional (2D) charge order at the wavevector k 1⁄4 ð1=3; 1=3; 0Þ below 500K, as well as a three-dimensional (3D) charge order at k 1⁄4 1⁄2ð1þ Þ=3; ð1þ Þ=3; 3=2 , with 1⁄4 0:081 below 320K, where k is defined in the hexagonal system. Ikeda et al. proposed that LuFe2O4 can be regarded as a chargeand spinfrustrated system on the basis of their experimental results. Subramanian et al. reported that the dielectric constant of LuFe2O4 at room temperature markedly decreases under a small magnetic field, implying that a strong coupling exists between a spin moment and an electric dipole at room temperature. This indicates the potential applications of LuFe2O4 in which the charge and spin degrees of freedom of electrons can be controlled. On the theoretical side, Yamada and coworkers proposed a model of the charge ordered structure in which they discussed successive transitions from the R 3m phase to the 2D commensurate charge density wave (CDW) and 3D incommensurate CDW phases. Xiang and Whangbo discussed the charge order in charge-frustrated LuFe2O4 on the basis of the results of first-principles electronic structure calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. An electronic model of a honeycomb lattice starting with a model Hamiltonian was also studied by Nasu et al. and Naka and coworkers to explain dielectric and magnetic phenomena in the RFe2O3 family as a spinand chargefrustrated system. However, the space groups in low-symmetry phases below 500K have not yet been clarified owing to their extremely small domains. In this study, we derive the space groups and unit cells in the commensurate phases induced at the ð1=3; 1=3; 0Þ and ð1=3; 1=3; 1=2Þ points in the reciprocal lattice space of the space group R 3m in LuFe2O4. Let us first define the coordinates in the real and reciprocal spaces of the space group R 3m as shown in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b), where ðaR; bR; cRÞ and ðah; bh; chÞ indicate the lattice vectors of the rhombohedral and hexagonal systems, respectively, and the asterisks indicate the reciprocal lattice vectors. It is seen from Fig. 1(b) that the points kK 1⁄4 ð1=3; 1=3; 0Þ and kH 1⁄4 ð1=3; 1=3; 1=2Þ in a hexagonal system are both located at the Brillouin zone boundary; these two points are named the Kand H-points in Koster’s book, respectively. Regarding the K-point, we denote the equivalent points as the K1–K6-points, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The K3and K5-points are the same as the K1-point except for the reciprocal lattice vectors ah and bh , whereas the K2and K6-points are the same as the K4-point except for the reciprocal lattices ah and bh , respectively. The relation between the hexagonal and rhombohedral coordinates in real space is given as ah 1⁄4 aR bR; bh 1⁄4 bR cR; ch 1⁄4 aR þ bR þ cR: ð1Þ