It is argued that the formulation used by Gombosi (1991) does not distinguish between two fundamental types of resonant interactions (those between cometary pickup ions and LF electromagnetic waves). Two problems arise from using their overly simplified expressions. The wave polarization of the solar wind Alfven wave is not purely right-handed, and values from alpha sub com and alpha sub sw are not well known, nor are the 'polarizations' of the 'backward'-going waves in either case. Gombosi et al. discuss the antisunward vs the sunward propagating solar wind Alfven wave, and assume a reasonable value of 0.2 for alpha sub sw. However, alpha sub com is totally unknown. It is concluded that a more correct analysis of wave polarization can lead to significant changes in the formulation and results from Gombosi et al. In his reply Gombosi argues that his simplified wave-particle interaction model is consistent with Giotto observations and plasma kinetic simulations and it leads to a reasonable approximation of the implanted ion transport coefficients. The more complicated approach suggested by Tsurutani & Thorne (1993) requires the introduction of several ad hoc parameters and it does not lead to any change of the energy diffusion coefficient.
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