A holistic literature review of 399 articles is presented on hybrid solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) systems and taxonomized through a unique classification methodology that considers primary energy sources, component configurations, system outputs and relevant analysis. In the reviewed research articles, primarily four different types of technologies are used to complement the energy production of the fuel cell stack. As a result, four respective categories were established in terms of the coupling components, inclusive of (1) wind turbines (WTs), (2) solar systems (SS), (3) thermal power plant turbines (TPPTs) and (4) piston engines (PEs). Additional classification was needed to further subdivide the evaluated system configurations, due to the wide spectrum of system outputs encountered in the reviewed literature. That involved (a) electrical power generation (PG), (b) four types of cogeneration (CG), (c) four types of trigeneration (TG) and (d) two types of multigeneration (MG). Depending on the type of assessment in respective research, literature was further categorized as computational, experimental, or both computational and experimental. The most prevalent hybrid system amongst the 102 designs, as adapted from the reviewed literature, is the SOFC/gas turbine (GT) application, with the overwhelming majority producing exclusively electrical power output. The particular system is physically demonstrated in an existing 220-kW experimental facility established by the National Fuel Cell Research Center (NFCRC). The identified systems were predominantly computationally examined and research focused on operating conditions around specific design load ratings. Energy, exergy, economic, and environmental assessments were typically followed by sensitivity studies in the reviewed literature. The primary decision variables in most cases revolved around SOFC operating conditions, such as temperatures over 1000 °C as well as elevated pressures. Those resulted in the deterioration of the electrochemical cell and failed to be addressed by the majority of encountered studies. Improvements in the conversion efficiency of PG applications were enabled by natural gas (NG)-fed pressurized SOFCs, directly coupled to GTs. The most efficient power configuration in terms of thermodynamic performance was achieved by coupling PEs to SOFCs and a metal hydride reactor (MHR) to unlock a maximum net system efficiency of 79.54%. CG systems integrating solar cells (SCs) and photovoltaic panels (PVs) to SOFC subsystems can result in a combined efficiency of approximately 90% and sustain this over a broad energy demand range. TG systems incorporating gasifiers to SOFC/GT subsystems achieved a combined efficiency of 93%, whereas the optimal combined efficiency in MG configurations was identified at 79.5% by coupling SCs to the SOFC/GT/organic Rankine cycle turbine (ORCT) subsystems. In terms of cost-effectiveness, configurations that relied on increasing levels of renewable energy (RE) technologies resulted in high overall levelized cost of electricity (LCOE). This cost was increased further when power storage units were deployed to address wind and solar intermittency challenges. Configurations classified under TPPTs operating on low carbon-content fuels were preferred in terms of providing lower LCOE, while applications operating on gasified biomass and coal blends should deploy additional CO2 capture and storage units to mitigate respective emissions.