This descriptive quantitative study aims to analyze and produce an empirical test of the influence of investment knowledge and herd behavior on cryptocurrency investment decisions among state university students in Jambi. The population and sample used are state university students in Jambi who have carried out cryptocurrency investment activities. The samples in this study were 54. Meanwhile, the total sample did not include Jambi Ministry of Health Polytechnic students. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires using Google Forms and Likert scale measurements. The data testing techniques used were validity and reliability tests, r-square tests, and hypothesis tests using Smartpls 4.0 software. The study results showed that (1) investment knowledge positively and significantly affects investment decisions. The better the students' investment knowledge about cryptocurrency is, the more it will affect investment decisions. The combination of awareness, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors is needed to make the right financial decisions and achieve individual financial well-being. and (2) Herding Behavior has a positive and significant effect on investment decisions; herd behavior is influenced by psychological factors that make investors take illogical actions, significantly when market uncertainty increases and market volatility is high. This is following the theory of financial behavior, which states that subjective norms, among others, are influenced by other investors' opinions, which can affect the decision of state university students in Jambi to invest in cryptocurrency. These findings have practical implications for understanding and managing cryptocurrency investments in the face of market uncertainty.
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