We enumerate and construct the complete set of six-fermion SU(5)-invariant operators of arbitrary generational structure and prove that they, and, more generally, all six-fermion SU(3) c×SU(2) L×U(1) Y-invariant operators, violate ( B− L) and, in the standard theory with no ν R's, do so by ±2 units. The process for which the six-fermion SU(5)-invariant operators are most important is the n↔ n transition. Accordingly, we enumerate and construct the complete set of multigenerational six-quark B− B operators which are invariant under SU(3) c×SU(2) L×U(1) and SU(3) c×U(1) e.m. and determine which of these contribute to n↔ n transitions. An interesting result of this analysis is that the contributions of certain six-fermion operators containing higher-generation fields can dominate over those of entirely first-generation operators, despite mixing-angle suppression, because of much larger coefficient functions. Finally, we comment on the absolute n↔ n transition rate and derive a new lower bound on the masses of color sextet ( B− L)-violating Higgs bosons.