Three new species of marasmioid fungi from California are described, illustrated, and compared with related taxa: Micromphale sequoiae (Section Perforantia), Micromphale arbuticola (Section Micromphale) and Marasmius applanatipes (Section Chordales). Three new species of agarics have been discovered during the course of pre? paring a taxonomic report on the Marasmieae and Collybieae {sensu Singer, 1975) from California. Two new species of Micromphale, both possessing an alliaceous taste, grow on substrates unusual for the genus. Micromphale sequoiae, similar to M. perforans (Hofm.:Fr.) Sing., is restricted to leaves of Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl., while Micromphale arbuticola, which resembles M. foetidum (Sow.: Fr.) Sing., is restricted to the scale bark ofArbutus menziesii Pursh. A third taxon with an alliaceous taste, herein described as Marasmius applanatipes, is similar to Marasmius epidryas Kuhn., but M. epidryas lacks the alliaceous taste and grows on living Dryas species, rather than on duff of coniferous species. Other important macroscopic and microscopic differences between the new taxa and closely related ones are reported in the discussions following the descriptions. All macroscopic descriptions are taken from characteristics of fresh material. Color terms and notations are those of Kornerup and Wanscher (1978). Micro? scopic descriptions are derived from features of dried material reconstituted in 95% ethanol followed by distilled water. Separate microscopic examinations were made in distilled water, Melzer's reagent, 3% KOH, and 3% KOH plus Phloxine. Hyphal colors are given as they appear in distilled water. Micromphale sequoiae Desjardin, sp. nov. Figs. 1, 3-5 Pileus 6-12 mm latus, e convexo plano-convexus, ruguloso-striatus, glaber, hygrophanus, primo pallido-brunneus, in aetate disco immutabilis, margine griseolo-aurantius. Odor mitis, sapor mitis demum alliaceus. Lamellae adnatae, confertae vel subdistantes, angustae, griseolo-aurantiae. Stipes 20-43 mm longus, 0.75-1.5 mm crassus, teres, aequalis, insititius, pruniosus vel pubescens, apice griseolo-aurantius, base atrobrunneus; rhizomorphae paucae et subevolutae. Sporae 6.5-7.5 x 3-3.7 /um, ellipsoideae, laeves, inamyloideae, in cumulo albae. Cheilocystidia 27-33 x 4.8-6.6 ixm., ventricosa, apicibus acutis praedita; pleurocystidia similaria. Caulocystidia versiformia, 21-110 x 6-12 ^m, clavata, cylindrica vel strangulata, glabra, brunnea. Trama pilei laxe intertexta, non gelatinosa. Epicutis pilei ex hyphis intertextis, gelatinosis composita. In foliis Sequoiae sempervirentis. Holotypus: D. E. Desjardin 1740, Jackson State Forest, Mendocino Co., Calif, 13 Nov. 1982. (SFSU) Pileus 6-12 mm broad, when young, convex to campanulate, often with a short, acute umbo, in age becoming broadly convex to plano-convex with or without a central papilla, occasionally plane with a shallow central depression; margin when young decurved or slightly incurved, even, entire, in age becoming straight, wavy, crenate, rugulose-striate to rugulose-sulcate % of the distance to the disc; surface dry to moist, dull, glabrous, hygrophanous; at first light brown (7D4-5) overall, rarely with disc reddish brown (8E5-7), in age disc remaining light brown or fading to brownish orange (6C3-4), margin in age fading to brownish orange, greyish orange (6B2-3) or orange white (5A2), in age rarely colored buff
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