At high baryonic density with the formation of a diquark condensate $\ensuremath{\Delta}\ensuremath{\ne}0,$ the QCD color symmetry is spontaneously broken. Being massive by the Anderson-Higgs mechanism, a gluon and photon should mix together within two linear combinations due to the color nonconservation. Consequently a gluon $\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{G}$ could decay into an ${e}^{\ensuremath{-}}{e}^{+}$ pair via its photon component. With a low invariant mass (about a few ten MeV) and an extremely narrow width peaking above the continuum background, the purely leptonic decay of a strongly interacting gluon $\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{G}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}{+e}^{+}$ constitutes a very distinctive signature of the color superconductivity phase. By a similar scenario of gluon-Z mixing, another ``missing-energy'' decay into invisible neutrinos $\stackrel{\ifmmode \tilde{}\else \~{}\fi{}}{G}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}\ensuremath{\nu}+\overline{\ensuremath{\nu}}$ could arise; its amplitude is, however, $(\ensuremath{\Delta}{/M}_{Z}{)}^{2}$ power suppressed.