Summary of key recommendations ● Repeat biopsy is generally recommended in Hodgkinlymphoma (HL) patients thought to have relapsed, andshould be considered in those who have residual fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG)-avid lesions post-therapy (1C).● Positron-emission tomography/computerized tomogra-phy (PET-CT) is the preferred restaging modality aftersalvage therapy (1B).● The aim of salvage treatment should be to achieve anFDG-PET-negative remission (1B).● The choice of a first-line salvage regimen in patients eli-gible for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT)should be based on patient factors and familiarity ofthe treatment centre with the regimen (2C).● Regimens containing stem cell toxic agents (such as car-mustine and melphalan) should be avoided if possibleuntil stem cells have been successfully collected andcryopreserved if ASCT is planned (1B).● There is currently no evidence to support intensivesequential induction/consolidation strategies prior toASCT (1B).● Consider switching to an alternative non-cross-resistantsalvage regimen if there are residual FDG-avid lesionsafter first line salvage treatment and the intent is toproceed to ASCT (2B).● In patients not eligible for ASCT, combined modalitytherapy should be considered especially in early stagerelapse and in patients who have not received priorradiotherapy or who have relapsed outside of the initialradiotherapy field (2B).● In patients unlikely to tolerate the toxicities associatedwith more intensive regimens, palliation with either a sin-gle agent or with a multi-agent oral regimen with or with-out intravenous vinblastine should be considered (2C).● Early consideration of involvement of palliative care ser-vices is recommended, particularly in those not eligiblefor high dose therapy (1C).● ASCT is the standard treatment for patients withrelapsed disease who achieve an adequate response tosalvage therapy (1A).● ASCT is also the standard treatment for patients withprimary resistant disease who achieve an adequateresponse to salvage therapy (1B).● ASCT is not recommended in those failing to achievean adequate response (1B).Guideline
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