MR. G. H. HALL, Under–Secretary of State for the Colonies, made a statement on Colonial policy in the House of Commons on November 20. After a striking tribute to the “universal uprush of loyalty to the Throne and support for our cause ha all the peoples of the Colonial Empire”, Mr. Hall announced that it has been decided to appoint a Colonial Labour Advisory Committee, to function on the lines of the committees already in existence on medical matters and on education. The Committee, which will be a small one, will consist of representatives of the Colonial Office, and members of the Trades Union Congress and of employers' organizations interested in Colonial affairs. The Colonial Office already has a labour adviser, and the new Committee will serve to strengthen this side of its work. It may be anticipated that as the various provisions of the Welfare and Development Act come more extensively in force, this Committee will grow in importance and its activities play a prominent part in the future of the British Colonial Empire.