Rat intestinal transplantation is an optimal model for research; nevertheless, it requires a complex and difficult microsurgical technique (1–5). We have recently developed a simplified rat model for intestinal transplantation using portal cuff anastomosis to overcome these technical difficulties (Fig. 1A).FIGURE 1.: (A) Figure illustrating the present model of intestinal transplantation. G, intestinal graft in shady color; SMA, superior mesenteric artery of the graft; VC, recipient vena cava; AO, recipient aorta. (B) Micropicture (16×) showing details of the portal cuff.Preoperative procedures, anesthesia and laparotomy are performed as previously described (1–4). In the donor operation, middle and descending colons are isolated from small bowel and ascending colon. Superior mesenteric vein is dissected and encircled. Splenic and pyloric veins are divided and portal vein is dissected up to hepatic hilum. Abdominal aorta is dissected and celiac trunk, right renal artery and lumbar branches are divided. Aorta is clamped at the diaphragm, tied below the mesenteric artery and this arterial segment is resected allowing a long aortomesenteric conduit. Entire small bowel, cecum and ascending colon are harvested on a vascular pedicle consisting of right colonic vessels, aortomesenteric conduit and portal vein. The graft is flushed and stored in cold preservation solution. Polyethylene catheter is used to create the cuff as described elsewhere (5). In this modified technique, the vein is introduced into the cuff and everted, covering the outer wall and fixed with three equidistant stitches (Fig. 1B). In the recipient, the superior mesenteric vein is exposed, and a segment between the first and second jejunal branch is dissected and prepared for cuff anastomosis. Eventually, the second jejunal branches and the right colonic vein may be divided in order to increase this segment. The graft is implanted in the recipient with an end-to-side aorto-aorta anastomosis as previously described (1–5). The dissected segment of mesenteric vein is isolated between clamps to insert the portal cuff and a 6-0 suture is used to fix the cuff into recipient’s mesenteric vein. The clamps are released and immediate graft reperfusion is observed. The recipient jejunum, ileum, cecum, and ascending colon are removed en bloc. Finally, anastomosis between the graft and the remaining intestine restores the digestive tract (Fig. 1A). The present model offers many possibilities for intestinal transplantation research with the following advantages: reconstitutes the natural and physiologic portal graft drainage; the portal cuff anastomosis is performed within few minutes without bleeding or venous thrombosis. This alternative technique avoids recipient visceral ischemia and hemodynamic instability because there is no obstruction on inferior vena cava and portal vein. Furthermore, it maintains grafts ileocecal valve and preserves the extrinsic enervation along the mesenteric-aortic segment that may improve bowel movement. This modified technique can be easily performed within two hours after a short period of training (8±3 week) and may reach excellent success rates. This rat model may surmount technical obstacles precluding microsurgical techniques and may ultimately spread this model in centers with low technical resources. Flávio H.F. Galvão Rafael M.N. Santos Marcel A.C. Machado Telesforo Bacchella Marcel C.C. Machado Transplantation and Liver Surgery Discipline University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine Sao Paulo, Brazil
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