Based on existing experimental data for A−A collisions starting from the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron energies to those of the CERN Large Hadron Collider, various systematics related to strange hadrons and antihadrons are presented. As in the case of pions, kaons, and protons, the ratio between the average transverse momentum and the square root of the total particle multiplicity per unit rapidity and unit transverse overlap area (〈pT〉/〈dN/dy〉/S⊥) decreases with collision energy and centrality supporting the predictions of the color glass condensate and percolation approaches. The dependencies on 〈dN/dy〉/S⊥ of the slope and offset extracted from the 〈pT〉-particle mass correlation and of the average transverse expansion velocity and kinetic freeze-out temperature, parameters obtained from Boltzmann-Gibbs Blast-Wave fits of pT spectra for strange hadrons, are compared with those for pions, kaons, and protons. The detailed study of the entropy density (〈dN/dy〉/S⊥) dependence of the ratio of strange hadron yields per unit rapidity to the total particle multiplicity per unit rapidity (YS/〈dN/dy〉) at different collision energies and centralities reveals the necessity to study strange hadrons and antihadrons separately. The correlations YS/〈dN/dy〉−〈dN/dy〉/S⊥ for single- and multistrange antihadron yields, as a function of the fireball size, are discussed. The YS/〈dN/dy〉−〈dN/dy〉/S⊥ correlations for combined and separated strange hadron species, at different centralities, clearly show a maximum in the region where a transition from baryon-dominated matter to meson-dominated matter occurs. Comparison with pp experimental data reveals another similarity between pp and Pb-Pb collisions at CERN Large Hadron Collider energies. To facilitate a possible comparison with theoretical approaches, the different correlations are either fitted with suitable functions or the corresponding experimental data are provided. Published by the American Physical Society 2025
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