DOI: 10.2514/1.30937 The motion of a satellite in the gravitational field of a binary system is investigated. The two bodies of the binary systemaremodeledas asphere andatriaxialellipsoid andthesatelliteisassumed tohavenoinfluenceonthemotion of the two primaries. The case of relative equilibria in the full two-body problem is assumed. In earlier papers, we looked at equilibrium solutions in the restricted full three-body problem, especially for L4;5. In the present work, we investigate energy constraints on the motion of the spacecraft using zero-velocity curves, collinear Lagrangian points, and the Jacobi constant for varying parameters of the system. We study transit and nontransit trajectories between the components. The methods are applied in the study of the binary asteroid system 1999 KW4, and some results are shown.
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