Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory (JLAB) will need a 6-coil Torus producing a required integral of B-dl for an upgrade 12 GeV beam. In Sept. 2009, Wang NMR was awarded a contract to design, fabricate, assemble, deliver, and test at JLAB this ex citing magnet. The preliminary design review was completed by Dec. 2009 and intermediate design review will be completed by July 2010. Proto type coil construction, production of soldered conductor with SSC cable and final design review will be completed in 2010. We shall describe preliminary design and intermediate design for coil/cryostat, Torus central cylinder (hub), 48 cold mass suspensions, two intercoil support rings, cryocontrol tower, and adapter to Torus coil, magnet quench protection, and charge/ discharge con trol, and the two parallel path cooling design using supercritical helium. Because of coil in-plane and out-of-plane EM forces over these huge thin coils in addition to vacuum load, gravity load, and cool down thermal stress, we shall present the finite element analyses (FEA) on coil structure, 48 cold mass supports, intercoil cold rings, coil/ cryostat vacuum vessel, cryotower cryostat, and Torus hub. Finally, we shall shows that all pressure/ vacuum vessels and its weldment has satisfied ASME code.
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