AbstractThis paper uses observations from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar (PR) and microwave imager (TMI) to evaluate the cloud microphysical schemes in the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5; version 3.7.4) for a wintertime frontal precipitation system over the eastern Pacific Ocean. By incorporating a forward radiative transfer model, the radar reflectivity and brightness temperatures are simulated and compared with the observations at PR and TMI frequencies. The main purpose of this study is to identify key differences among the five schemes [including Simple ice, Reisner1, Reisner2, Schultz, and Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) microphysics scheme] in the MM5 that may lead to significant departures of simulated precipitation properties from both active (PR) and passive (TMI) microwave observations. Radiative properties, including radar reflectivity, attenuation, and scattering in precipitation liquid and ice layers are investigated. In the rain layer, most schemes are capable of reproducing the observed radiative properties to a reasonable degree; the Reisner2 simulation, however, produces weaker reflectivity and stronger attenuation than the observations, which is possibly attributable to the larger intercept parameter (N0r) applied in this run. In the precipitation ice layer, strong evidence regarding the differences in the microphysical and radiative properties between a narrow cold-frontal rainband (NCFR) and a wide cold-frontal rainband (WCFR) within this frontal precipitation system is found. The performances of these schemes vary significantly on simulating the microphysical and radiative properties of the frontal rainband. The GSFC scheme shows the least bias, while the Reisner1 scheme has the largest bias in the reflectivity comparison. It appears more challenging for the model to replicate the scattering signatures obtained by the passive sensor (TMI). Despite the common problem of excessive scattering in the WCFR (stratiform precipitation) region in every simulation, the magnitude of the scattering maximum seems better represented in the Reisner2 scheme. The different types of precipitation ice, snow, and graupel are found to behave differently in the relationship of scattering versus reflectivity. The determinative role of the precipitation ice particle size distribution (intercept parameters) is extensively discussed through sensitivity tests and a single-layer radiative transfer model.