To understand the cognition for insomnia and preference for acupuncture in breast cancer survivors based on the in-depth interview. Thirty breast cancer survivors with insomnia symptoms were collected for in-depth interview. The interview questions included three aspects, i.e. sleep expectation, cognition for insomnia (discomfort caused by insomnia, and underlying inducing factors of insomnia) and the preference for acupuncture (treatment methods used in the past, the reasons for not choosing acupuncture, and the tendency of acupuncture treatment). Using Colaizzi content analysis method, the data was analyzed. Regarding sleep expectation, most breast cancer survivors with insomnia symptoms were able to maintain normal activity in daytime. Insomnia symptoms often led to fatigue, and the inducing factors of insomnia referred to the treatment with endocrine therapy, anticipatory anxiety and inadequate sleep hygiene. All of the patients had received pharmacotherapy. The use proportion of non-pharmacological therapies was relatively low, and acupuncture was not chosen due to "not familiar with" and "fear of pain". Concerning to the preference for acupuncture, patients preferred the therapeutic methods of acupuncture with mild pain sensation and gentle stimulation; and the treatment should be more acceptable if delivered 2 or 3 times a week. Breast cancer survivors have the expectations for sleep, and are willing to receive the treatment with medication for their sleep disorders. Because of lack of the knowledge for acupuncture effect on insomnia and fear of strong needling sensation, a part of patients are unwilling to be treated with acupuncture therapy, but they are expected to receive the treatment with acupuncture while feeling more comfortable.
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