Let Biy i —1,2, • • • , & , be ^-sphere bundles over g-spheres (p, It is understood that each Bt also denotes the total space of the bundle and has the oriented differentiable structure induced from those of the fibre and the base space. We denote the connected sum of Biy i = I, 2, • • , k, by %%=iBi. The necessary and sufficient conditions for such two connected sums of sphere bundles over spheres to be homotopy equivalent were given in [5] and [6]. In [5], we treated with the case that every bundle admits a cross-section, and in [6], we discussed the general case. As special cases of [5], in the preceding paper [22], we classified the connected sums of ^-sphere bundles over g-spheres which admit crosssections for (p, q) = (n, rc + 1) (n^2) , (n — 1, ra + 1) (?z^4), and (n — 2, 7Z + 1) (w^>6), and the results were applied to classify certain manifolds with sufficient connectedness. In this paper, by applying [6], we completely classify the connected sums of ^-sphere bundles over ^-spheres which do not necessarily have cross-sections up to homotopy equivalence for (p9q) = (n-lyn + l) 4) and (n-2,n + l) (rcS>6). Let (p,q) = (n-I,n + I) (n^4) or (n-2, n + V) (^6). A connected sum fjLiBi is called of type O if each Bt admits a cross-section, of type I if any Bt admits no cross-section, and of type (O-j-I) if there exist Bi admitting a cross-section and Bj admiting no cross-section. These definitions coincide with those defined in [3] and [4] using S% and Adem's secondary cohomology operation. Hence, the types are homotopically invariant. Furthermore, if s bundles admit cross-sections and t bundles