The cross section, σn, for electron capture by Na+ions from coherent elliptic states (CES) of Li was studiedexperimentally. The dependences on the principal quantumnumber, n, the eccentricity, e, and the spatial orientationof the CES were determined at the two reduced ion velocitiesvr = 1.20 and 1.68 (vr≡v/ve, wherev is the ion speed and ve = 1/n the mean electron speedof the CES in atomic units). The ion velocity, v⃗, wasperpendicular to the minor axis of the CES throughout theexperiment, so the orientation is fully specified by the angle,φ, between v⃗ and the electric dipole moment,d⃗, of the CES. According to a generalized correspondenceprinciple, the reduced cross section,σ̃ = lim n→∞σn/n4, is givenaccurately by classical mechanics, and it is a universalfunction of the scaled parameters of the collision, which in thepresent experiment are vr, e and φ. It isassumed that this result can be extrapolated to the range ofn-values, 20-35, covered in this paper, i.e. σn = σ̃·np where σ̃ andp≃4 depend only weakly on n. The experimental datasupport the assumed existence of a universal cross sectionfunction and the expected n4-dependence is also confirmed atvr = 1.20, but at vr = 1.68 the n-dependence iscloser to n3.
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