
Rydberg atoms of principal quantum number n in a superposition of a harmonic and a slowly varying field pass through several resonances with the harmonic field of frequency Ω as the splitting ω of the shell by the slow field varies. These transient resonances which are met when ω ≃ NΩ, where N is an integer, have been studied for the n = 25 shell of Li. Coherent elliptic states were prepared and used as initial states, and the dynamics was probed by the probability Pa for the atom to remain in the initial state. The harmonic field was circularly polarized and had constant amplitude, and the slow field varied such that ω at first decreased, then went through a minimum and finally increased to bring the atoms into resonance at two different times. This led to interference patterns in Pa(ω0), where ω0 is the minimum splitting. These were quite regular for coherent elliptic states of low eccentricity e and for strong fields , but less regular for large e and weak . A few states of Li(n = 25) are not hydrogenic due to quantum defects from the (1s)2 core. Without quantum defects the dynamics can be reduced to that of two spin- particles and this reproduces the regular patterns quite well. A full quantal treatment, which is required if quantum defects are important, shows that the more irregular patterns are the result of quite complex dynamics involving non-hydrogenic quasi-eigenstates.

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