We compute the depth of the symmetric algebra of certain ideals in terms of the depth of the ring modulo the ideal generated by the entries of a minimal presentation matrix. The purpose of this paper is to give a formula for the depth of the symmetric algebra S(I) =EDj>0 Sj (I) for certain ideals. We also obtain an analogous result for the symmetric algebra S(I/I2) of the conormal module (as an R/I-module). Our method is a simple application of the recent results ([3], [5]) concerning the Cohen-Macaulay properties of the blow-up rings R[It] = .j>oPI and gri(R) = EDjO IP/I+l. In particular, these blow-up rings are Cohen-Macaulay for the ideals under our consideration. It is well known that the symmetric algebra need not be Cohen-Macaulay, but it turns out that these symmetric algebras have fairly large depth in any case. Let R be a noetherian local ring with infinite residue field k, and let I be an ideal. Recall that the analytic spread of I is ?(I) = dim R[It] OR k, or equivalently is the least number s of elements a1, ..., a, in I such that jk+1 = (a,, ..., as)Ik for some k > 0; the least integer k (over all such reductions) is the reduction number r of I. Note that r = O f = n _ v(I) (the minimal number of generators of I) I is generated by analytically independent elements. We say that I satisfies Gs if v(Ip) s > ht I (respectively, and ht I + J > s). Theorem 1. Let R be a local Cohen-Macaulay ring with infinite residue field, let I be an ideal with ht I > 2, analytic spread X, reduction number r, minimally generated by n = f + 1 elements, let 0 be a minimal presentation matrix of I, and assume that I satisfies Ge and ANJ-2, and that Sj(I) _ Ii and depthfR/IJ > dimR-C+r-j for1 <j <r. Then depth S(I) = depth R/II (0) + n, depth S(I/I2) = min{depth R/I1 (0) + n, dim R}. Received by the editors June 17, 1999 and, in revised form, September 1, 1999. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 13A30, 13H10. (?)2000 American Mathematical Society
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