The accompanying series of photographs presents more graphically than words can describe a certain anatomic anomaly found in our collection of material. The first photograph shows the stapes in Fig. 1.—Aindicates the tensor tympani muscle;B, the processus cochleariformis;C, the anterior crus of the stapes;D, the footplate of the stapes;E, the vestibule;F, the membrana tympani;G, the middle ear cavity;H, the pyramid;I, the stapedius muscle;J, the posterior crus of the stapes;K, the exostosis;L, the displaced handle of the malleus. horizontal section with the stapedius muscle issuing from the pyramidal eminence and attaching to the head of the stapes. On the inferior border of the pyramid may be noted a slight exostosis. The second photograph illustrates this exostosis in longer section and pointing Fig. 2.—Aindicates the tensor tympani muscle;B, the processus cochleariformis;C, the cochlea;D