Suspended sediment plays an important role in coastal topography evolution and ecological environment change. To obtain a clear picture of the underlying mechanisms, we studied the response of suspended sediment dynamics to tidal current and wave-current interactions using the wave-current-sediment model of SCHISM. The results revealed evident tidal asymmetry in the study area, and showed that the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) markedly changes within a tidal cycle. We also disassembled the wave–current interactions to determine the contribution of each physical mechanism of the wave and hydrodynamic models. Regarding the importance of various effects of wave-current interactions on SSC, the wave-induced bottom shear stress and wave-induced radiation stress should be considered. The importance of advection in horizontal space is comparable to that of wave-induced bottom shear stress and wave-induced radiation stress, and is greater than that of the other types of wave energy advection. This study successfully explained all the mechanisms that influence the variation of SSC to the southwest of Hainan Island, which is helpful for coastal management and could provide a reference for other coastal areas.
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