A study was made of the incorporation of 14C by intact leaves oi'Coffea arabica (cultivars Mundo Novo, Catuai, 1130-13, and H 6586-2) and Coffea canephora (cultivar Guarini) supplied with gas mixtures containing 14CC>2 under controlled conditions. Samples of the leaves were com busted and the 14C in the CO2 produced measured using a liquid scintillation counter. The results were used to estimate photosynthetic rates. The effects of changing the partial pressures of O2 and CO2 on the photosynthetic rate were studied and estimates made of the CO2 com pensation point and photorespiration. The data obtained show differences between the mean net photosynthetic rates of the C. arabica cultivare (6-14 mg CO2 dm-2 h_1) and the mean rate for the C. canephora cultivar (3-96 mg CO2 dm-2 h-1). The cultivar of the latter species photorespired more rapidly than the cultivar Catuai of G. arabica. Rates of photosynthesis in coffee measured using the 14CC>2 method were similar to rates obtained by others using an infrared gas analyser. The 14CC>2 method proved to be reliable for photosynthetic measurements and the apparatus is suitable for use in field conditions.