Abstract For the purpose of utilizing ESDIAD (Electron Stimulated Desorption Ion Angular Distribution) as a real time probe for surface chemical processes, we have developed a new instrument which can measure ESDIAD images and time of flight (TOF) spectra of desorbed ions in temperature programmed surface processes. TOF measurements are carried out to identify the mass of desorbed ions and to determine their kinetic energy distribution. This temperature-programmed (TP)-ESDIAD/TOF system was used to observe the decomposition processes of methanol on Ru(001)-p(2 × 2)-O. A halo pattern from the methyl group of methoxy species was observed at 100-200 K by the use of CH3OD, followed by a broad pattern from the methyl group at 230-250 K, and by a near-center pattern from the oxygen atom of CO above 300 K.