A field study was conducted to assess the effect of integrated nutrient management (INM) on cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) during Kharif 2023 at Loyola Academy, Alwal, Telangana. The four treatments, viz. 100% RDF + Rhizobium, 100% RDF + Psuedomonas, 100% RDF + Vermiwash, 100% RDF + Panchagavya, with two varieties namely Spark (V1) and Samrat (V2) were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The mean values of various growth parameters of variety 1 i.e. Spark at harvest were viz. plant height at 94.0 cm, no. of branches 7.33. The mean values of various growth parameters, of variety 2 i.e. Samrat at harvest were viz. plant height at 97.27 cm, no. of branches 7.87. The mean values of various yield parameters, of variety 1 at harvest were viz. The length of the pod is 6.79 cm, pods per plant 29.33, no. of clusters 10.40 and pod yield 65.64. While the mean values of various yield parameters, of variety 2 at harvest were viz. The length of the pod is 7.30 cm, pods per plant 31.60, no. of clusters 11.13 and pod yield 69.86. Mean gross return values for variety 1 with treatments T0, T1,T2, T3, T4 were 200861.73, 260917.54, 354945.82, 324047.89 and 386299.86 respectively. Mean gross return values for variety 2 with treatments T0, T1, T2, T3, and T4 were 223093.36, 426535.69, 372768.28, 340586.49 and 387043.14 respectively. The highest yield attributes and gross returns were recorded with the application of 100% RDF + Rhizobium and the lowest growth and yield attributes were recorded in the control plots.
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