Abstract Abstract Secretarial Practice, by Shemood Medman and Jack Grorsman, New York: Pitman Pubiishlng Corporation, 504 pp., 1960. $4.20. The World Book Encyclopedia. Cidd Emterprlsss Educational Corporation, Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago 54, Illinois. 1960. Twenty volumes inciudlng a Reading and Study Guide; 11,720 pp.: J. Momis Jones, Editor In Chief: D. C. Whitney, Managing Editor: and Dr. W, H. Nault, Director of Research. Prke to individual purchaser: Blue Cloth Binding, $139; President Red Bindlng. $159; Aristocrat Binding, $179. Special prices for school and libraries: President Red Binding, $115: Blue Cloth Binding, $1 04. Applied Penmanship. 2d Edition, by L H. Lyom. Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing Company, 124 pp., 1960. $1.28. The Powerful Consumer: Psychoiogical Studies of the American Economy, by George Katona, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 273 pp., 1960. $6.50. Evaluation of Pupil Progress in Business Education, Edited by Estelle L. Popham, American Business Education Yearbook XVII. Available at New York Unliversity Bookstore, New York 3, N. Y., 399 pp. 1960, $5.00.
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