Conventional active controllers generally adopt initial dynamic properties of intact structures to calculate optimal control force for magnetorheological damper, which eventually leads to ideal damping force of the device. Also, they cannot assure trade-off between damping force and response reduction under non-stationary excitations. To this end, an adaptive semiactive control algorithm for magnetorheological damper is proposed. Using wavelet packet transform, an improved control law determines optimal control forces in terms of resonant and non-resonant frequency bands in time interval. Both frequency bands are established based on natural frequency(ies) of structures, making damping force rely on actual structural properties and achieving trade-off under non-stationary disturbances. A refined clipped-optimal control algorithm is then deployed to convert optimal control force to the device’s voltage. A numerical study of a six-degree-of-freedom structure under four near- and far-fault ground accelerations reveals that the scheme outperforms existing controllers while attaining cost-effectiveness of damping force versus response alleviations.
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