Every day, hundreds of thousands of vehicles, including buses, taxis, and ride-hailing cars, continuously generate GPS positioning records. Simultaneously, the traffic big data platform of urban transportation systems has already collected a large amount of GPS trajectory datasets. These incremental and historical GPS datasets require more and more storage space, placing unprecedented cost pressure on the big data platform. Therefore, it is imperative to efficiently compress these large-scale GPS trajectory datasets, saving storage cost and subsequent computing cost. However, a set of classical trajectory compression algorithms can only be executed in a single-threaded manner and are limited to running in a single-node environment. Therefore, these trajectory compression algorithms are insufficient to compress this incremental data, which often amounts to hundreds of gigabytes, within an acceptable time frame. This paper utilizes Spark, a popular big data processing engine, to parallelize a set of classical trajectory compression algorithms. These algorithms consist of the DP (Douglas–Peucker), the TD-TR (Top-Down Time-Ratio), the SW (Sliding Window), SQUISH (Spatial Quality Simplification Heuristic), and the V-DP (Velocity-Aware Douglas–Peucker). We systematically evaluate these parallelized algorithms on a very large GPS trajectory dataset, which contains 117.5 GB of data produced by 20,000 taxis. The experimental results show that: (1) It takes only 438 s to compress this dataset in a Spark cluster with 14 nodes; (2) These parallelized algorithms can save an average of 26% on storage cost, and up to 40%. In addition, we design and implement a pipeline-based solution that automatically performs preprocessing and compression for continuous GPS trajectories on the Spark platform.
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