Skin is the most significant protective barrier preventing foreign substances from invading the body. Eighteen types of Kushta are described in Ayurvedic classics under the headings of Mahakushta and Kshudrakushta1. Mahakushta is subdivided into seven and Kshudrakushta into eleven. DadruKustha is one of the Kshudra Kustha mentioned in our classical texts. Dermatophytosis, also known as Ringworm (Tinea corporis), is a fungal infec-tion of the skin; typically, it results in a red, itchy, scaly, circular rash. Based on its clinical characteristics, it can be correlated with Dadru Kusta. This study aims to analyse the logic and suitability of Navakakashaya and Vidangaidagajadi lepa in the management and prevention of Dadru kustha. An analysis of the references found in classical literature, numerous Nighantu, and research publications pertaining to several kinds of drugs and their effects on the skin was conducted. According to the literature search findings, the herbs mentioned in the Navaka Kashaya and Vidangaidagajadi lepa were scientifically evaluated in various preclinical and clinical stud-ies. They demonstrated antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancerous, antiulcerogenic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial, immunomodulatory activity. Using Navaka Kashaya and Vidangaidagajadi lepa appropriately will help prevent and treat the Dadru kustha.