THE WORD FOLKLORE IS DEFINED in my Random House Dictionary of English Language (1987) as body of widely held but false or unsubstantiated beliefs. Oxford English Dictionary (1991) gives a slightly different but related definition: The traditional beliefs, legends, and customs, current among common people. study of these. class bias in latter is obvious: beliefs, legends, and customs held or practiced by the common are suspect, somehow-and thus, perhaps, unsubstantiated or false. As folklorists you are familiar with these definitions, familiar with them in waysand with nuances-I cannot duplicate. And of course you know what means personally to you. Before going further, I should make it clear that I do not believe you subscribe to these dictionary definitions; later I will get back to ways in which you yourselves describe valuable work you are doing. My comments here will necessarily be those of a layperson. I will not attempt to enter your field or take on range of issues it embraces. Yet I find connections. In my years of working as an oral historian, I faced some of problems you face. As a poet, a writer, thinking about your invitation to speak at this meeting, I started by considering what term folklore has meant to me, someone outside field. Folklore, or folkloric-at least to unspecialized ear-implies something exotic. Not necessarily unsubstantiated, but certainly Other. There is ever-so-slight aura of that which is legend rather than accurately recorded history, superstition rather than scientific truth, a wisdom not easily quantified, cultural practices or creativity prevalent among people who are different from ourselves; often dramatically different. Identification with mainstream society-white, owner class, formally educated, elitist, generally male-builds upon our socially conditioned racism and xenophobia to make sure we see people who inhabit these categories as central while relegating those of other races, ethnicities, economic status, gender identity, and religious or political beliefs to category of marginal, that is, Other. Indigenous peoples everywhere seem particularly folkloric to middle-of-the-road United States Ameri-