This study aimed to conduct a case analysis through the evaluation and assessment of pathologies in flexible pavements at a stretch of Avenida Torquato Tapajós with Avenida Constantino Nery, in the city of Manaus - AM. The research sought to identify the causes and origins of these pathologies, relating solutions to each diagnosed situation based on theses, articles, and consulted literature. The main objective of this article is to analyze the most common pathologies in flexible pavements. The research is justified by the need to assess the maintenance of damages and pathologies in pavements, a constant factor in the infrastructure sector that incurs high costs and requires thorough analysis to determine the procedures to be adopted. The method used was a descriptive qualitative exploratory study, grounded in existing literature and field documentation. Based on the analysis of the pathologies, the necessary maintenance methods were defined in accordance with federal regulations and current standards in Brazil. The results revealed different classifications of pathological manifestations in flexible pavements. It was found that the traffic anticipated for the road project does not align with its actual usage, contributing to the noticeable occurrence of cracks in the analyzed roadway. Implementing best practices can mitigate the negative impacts of these pathologies, ensuring the longevity of pavements and the safety of users. Adherence to established guidelines is crucial to ensure that flexible pavements meet required standards, avoiding future problems arising from inadequate interventions. With the increasing digitization in the construction sector, the integration of new technologies becomes increasingly viable for managing pathologies in flexible pavements in heavily trafficked highway segments.