
Objective: The main focus of this work is to conduct a comparative study on productivity by developing compositions based on the specificities of construction companies in comparison to the constants in TCPO and SINAPI, for the conventional masonry service of 9x19x19 cm ceramic brick ½ time, and to gain insights into the differences in productivity between TCPO, SINAPI, and RUP in the city of Manaus, understanding the reasons behind these variations. Method: This study involves bibliographic research, data collection, and comparative analysis. Results and Conclusion: The methodology used in the study allowed for on-site data collection, SINAPI data collection, and TCPO data collection. With this information, it was possible to calculate the proposed RUPs: Daily, accumulated, and potential. Using these data, the average SINAPI RUP was also calculated, and the TCPO RUP was collected. This scientific research provided a concrete study of labor productivity in the masonry work of a residential construction project. With on-site data collection, the calculation of RUPs was performed, and comparisons were made with TCPO and SINAPI references. Research Implications: Contribution to improving productivity in civil engineering projects in the city of Manaus, reducing costs, and optimizing resource utilization. Originality/Value: This research is novel in the region, and the comparison of data between TCPO, SINAPI, and real production is crucial to understanding their outcomes.

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