Alfalfa is a perennial crop that is grown several years on the same surface and because of this there are specificities in the composition and structure of the weed community. This leads to difficulties in suppresses and reduction of pests, diseases and weeds at the yield of alfalfa. The basic harmful effect of weeds is reflected through the competitiveness of water, nutrients and light. Weeds generally have low nutritional value, unpleasant smell and taste, and also affect the quality of alfalfa seeds. The most common types of economy effective perennial weed are Cirsium arvense (L), Sorghum halapense (L.), Convolvulus arvensis (L.) and Cuscuta genus. All agro-technical measures, which enable good soil, quality sowing, as well as plant protection later, are the basic measures for the protection of alfalfa from long-lasting weed species. This paper is based on analysis of weeds flora in alfalfa crops in the Nis district. The presence of the fifteen most important types of weed plants was found in all nine analyzed areas of alfalfa crops. Among the weeds, most common are Agropyrum repens(L.), Amaranthus retroflexus(L.), Chenopodium hybridum(L.), Cuscuta sp.(L.), Sorghum halapense(L.).