International Heliophysical Year (IHY; 2007-2009) has a remarkable impact on space and earth electromagnetism research and society. For Malaysian perspectives, it acts as a spiral point to the expanding of space weather-related research. The research activities involve installation of real-time Magnetic Data Acquisition System of Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network, i.e. MAGDAS/CPMN for space weather study and application, which was deployed for the IHY; 2007-2009. In addition to MAGDAS system, to understand the characteristics of the lower ionospheric layer (60-150km) during space weather events, a Very Low Frequency (VLF) monitoring system has been developed. The MAGDAS and VLF monitoring system called UiTM-SID are located at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, UPSI (3.71’, 101.53’), Malaysia. The first observation effects of solar flare during November 2016 to March 2017, for the period of a minimum solar cycle 23-24 have been examined on sub-ionospheric VLF signals from VTX4 (19.2 kHz) and NWC (19.8 kHz) transmitter monitored at UPSI. In general, the level of amplitude reading for VTX4 signals is higher than NWC signals for quite diurnal variations. The effects of the solar flare class C7.5 on 29th November 2016 shows an enhancement of amplitude due to increase in the lower region electron density by the radiation of solar flare. The average daily amplitude reading was compared to the average value of solar flare event, the result shows the percentage difference is 12% increased in VTX4 and NWC signals.
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