Abstract Background High output chyle leakage is a challenging complication following esophagectomy, carrying substantial morbidity and even mortality. Initial conservative management with parenteral feeding is commonly advised resulting in lengthy episodes of hospitalization and prolonged chest tube placement. Here, we present a case post Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy with high-output chyle leakage where we localized the leakage site to be at the cysterna chyli and subsequently treated it operatively combining robotics, fluorescence and embolization with glue. Methods A 74-year-old male underwent robotic-assisted minimally invasive Ivor Lewis esophagectomy for distal esophageal adenocarcinoma. Postoperatively, chylous fluid was drained from the chest up to 700-1300cc per day despite parenteral feeding. Lipiodol lymphangiography identified extravasation of contrast at the cysterna chyli and correct clipping of the thoracic duct. Due to failure of conservative management, on postoperative day 14, robotic-assisted exploration of the truncal region with intranodal injection of indocyanine green was performed. Results This innovative procedure revealed the leakage site medially of the coeliac trunc at the cysterna chyli. Lymphatic sealing was achieved via percutaneous endoluminal embolization using a microcatheter and Histoacryl® injections, resulting in an abrupt resolution of the leak and discharge with oral MCT diet on day 5 after reoperation. Conclusion This case demonstrated the feasibility and efficacy of an innovative multimodal technique combining the dexterity and fluorescence of robotic surgery with a laparoscopic application of an interventional radiology embolization technique. Because of the risk of venous emboli, we note that this technique should only be applied in cases of abdominal chyle leakage when the thoracic duct is interrupted. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sktltdc1be41jfq4dk3lt/Video-Presentation-ISDE-2024-Robotic-Embolisation-Abdominal-Chyle-leakage-Def.mp4?rlkey=1wni1dpnjg4swiajcjdfa6isn&st=wx30jbi7&dl=0
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