Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s type dementia) (BA) is a primary progressive neurodegenerative disease of the brain with characteristic clinical and pathological features, individual characteristics of the course and severity of symptoms, as well as multiple converging etiopathogenetic mechanisms. Te most successfully developed at the present time are compensatory (replacement) therapy aimed at overcoming the neurotransmitter defciency in various neuronal systems, which are more or less affected by the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Choline alfoscerat (Gliatilin) is a cholinomimetic of central action with a predominant effect on the central nervous system. In the process of metabolism, the molecule of Gliatilin (choline alphoscerate) undergoes cleavage into choline (40.5%) and glycerophosphate. Te resulting choline stimulates the synthesis of acetylcholine, which improves the transmission of nerve impulses in cholinergic neurons, and glycerophosphate stimulates the appearance of phosphatidylcholine, which restores the phospholipid composition of neuronal membranes, improving their plasticity. Glitatylin (choline alfoscerate) has a stimulating effect on cognitive functions and improves memory and attention, leads to the correction of psycho-emotional disorders. Glitatilin (choline alphosceratus) positively increases in cerebral blood flow, accelerates metabolism and activates structure brain reticular formation. Te effect on glia is expressed in suppressing the activation of inflammation, reducing intracellular edema and reducing microvascular permeability. Choline alfostserat (Gliatilin) can be recommended for use in patients with asthma as monotherapy, and about complex treatment.
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