This paper addresses the enhancement of methods for calculating vibration-impact machines, particularly concerning adjustments to prevent potential shock resonances. This design criterion for substantiating the parameters of vibration-impact machines had not been previously considered. However, the likelihood of shock resonance increases significantly with the mass of the process load, operating frequencies of vibration excitation, and overall dimensions of the thin-walled bodies of vibrating machines. Hence, prioritizing the criterion of tuning out resonant modes through the appropriate choice of housing parameters becomes crucial for modern, heavily loaded machines. This novel approach is proposed in this paper for calculating vibration-impact machines and armored vehicles. To analyze the conditions for the onset of resonant modes under periodic shock loading, single-mass, multi-mass, and continuum dynamic systems were sequentially considered. It was shown that, in the absence of friction, shock resonance occurs when any natural frequency of the machine body oscillations matches a multiple of the excitation frequency from the drive. Additionally, numerical integration of the system of differential equations of motion was used to confirm shock resonance conditions. The numerical results were consistent with the analytical ones. It was also determined that tuning away from the resonant frequency by 5% to 10% significantly alters the steady-state mode of the vibration machine, notably reducing oscillation amplitudes. Therefore, to substantiate the parameters of vibrating machines, it is essential to maximize the adjustment of the natural frequency spectrum of their bodies, considered as elastically deformable structures, away from frequencies that are multiples of the drive frequency. To implement this algorithm, we propose adopting a generalized parametric description. Variable parameters include the thickness of housing elements, their cross-sections, reinforcement schemes, and the number of stiffeners. It was found that varying these parameters diversely affects the migration of natural frequencies in the spectrum. Specific parameters with the greatest impact on detuning from shock resonance frequencies were identified. This set of parameters is used to determine the optimal set that satisfies the criterion of maximum detuning from shock resonance. Similar developments and studies have been conducted for the armor hulls of lightly armored vehicles.
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