A unique super-Yang-Mills theory is obtained by looking for hierarchical unification theories underly ing the chiral preon model. It has G=E8XE8 as the gauge group. When spontaneous breaking of G to a subgroup H of it occurs, the coset space G/ H on which Goldstone bosons X take values is shown to be a non-Kaehler complex manifold. Supersymmetry is necessarily broken by non-vanishing torsion of the hermitian connection on G/ H as a hermitian manifold. Only the chiral ones among the superpartners of the x's are massless. They behave as {(64*, l)EB(l, 64)h when H is taken to be D7 XD7 • Further breaking of H to A 6 X A 6 is required for the preonization of these chiral fermions. Anomaly matching shows that resulting chiral preons transform as {(21, 7)EB(7*, 21*) h under SU(7) x SU(7), as is just the case in the chiral preon model.
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